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Togo Aquaculture


According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), per capita fish consumption in the African region and globally was 10.1 kg and 19.8 kg, and 11 kg, respectively. in Togo. It is estimated that 70% of the fish consumed in Togo is imported. Assuming that Togo increases its consumption to reach the world quantity per capita, this would result in an additional annual demand of 50,000 tonnes. Other opportunities have also been identified in regional markets and in particular in Benin, Burkina Faso, Ghana and Nigeria. A detailed technical feasibility study has been undertaken in Togo and recommends the establishment of tilapia, barramundi and Asian giant shrimp farms. The first step will be the production of Tilapia at three sites with a combined annual capacity of 1,000 tonnes in the first year to reach 4,000 tonnes in the third year. The operations will be based on the Nangbeto dam in Togo.


This project will:
• Improve socio-economic status by directly creating 32 potential high paying jobs for local communities;
• Create a multiplier effect generating jobs in the secondary sector that covers distribution, retail trade and the service sector, estimated at over 600, most of whom are women;
• Promote the transfer of knowledge and technology;
• Promote an extremely environmentally friendly and long-term sustainable fish farming model.

Project leaders


  • The site selected for the project is located in Nangbeto at the level of the dam and the surrounding areas;
  • Tilapia production will be based on a standardized procedure certified ISO 9001 (2015 Version)

Project cost

8 billion FCFA

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Siège social: Lomé Avenue Duisburg 43.QAD

B.P. 7633 Lomé-TOGO
Tél. : +228 22 23 12 80
Email: [email protected]

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To become the strategic financial instrument of the togolese State capable of developping and leveraging sustainable investments with the aim to accelerate economic growth and to build a strong and dynamic economy for the wellbeing of the togolese population.

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To lead in the development of strategic investments by and for the State in order to create value for Togo’s economy and its citizens.

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