Togo Invest is the armed wing of the Togolese state in the field of investments in structuring projects.

We are an investment holding company, whose missions are: to invest in assets, to take holdings in the form of majority or minority shares, to participate in the creation of companies with national or foreign companies, and design financing mechanisms and partnerships to achieve Togo's development corridor.


Togo Invest is initiating an innovative approach by the Togolese government aimed at having a strategic tool for economic development.

Togo has been engaged for five years in the implementation of the economic development corridor vision of TOGO. This approach is centered on the implementation of a modern logistics corridor.

West Africa's leading economic and strategic platform
  • Premier exportateur CEDEAO de produits agricoles bio vers l’Europe (2020)
  • Premier performeur en matière d‘Investissement Direct Etranger (2019)
  • Premier secteur bancaire en Afrique de l’Ouest (par nombre de sièges sociaux)
  • Cinquième producteur mondial de phosphate
  • Un port en eau profonde et un aéroport de classe mondiale
  • Taux de croissance du PIB : 5,0 %
  • Création d’entreprise en moins de 24h
  • Coût réduit du raccordement à l’électricité;
  • Coûts réduit de transfert de propriété ;
  • Soutien au développement du secteur privé et à la création d’emplois

Discovering the financial vehicles set up by Togo Invest Corporation

Main sectors

Leading exporter of organic agricultural products

from ECOWAS to Europe


Leading banking sector in West Africa

by number of representations of financial institutions


USD 5.1 Billion

in turnover achieved by Togolese companies in 2018


85% FDI 2020 growth compared to 2019

Foreign direct investment

Our vision

To become the strategic financial instrument of the togolese State capable of developping and leveraging sustainable investments with the aim to accelerate economic growth and to build a strong and dynamic economy for the wellbeing of the togolese population.

Our mission

To lead in the development of strategic investments by and for the State in order to create value for Togo’s economy and its citizens.

Our Values

Contact us

Investir au Togo - Investir avec Togo Invest Corporation S.A.
© 2021 - All rights reserved

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