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Project Construction of a Lomé – Cinkassé railway line


The concept of rail transport corridor is based on the natural assets enjoyed by Togo, namely: the existence of a deep water port, good geography and topography allowing the establishment of an important logistics corridor to the countries of the hinterland, the existence of an important iron deposit in Bassar and an agricultural and mining potential identified in Togo.

The railway project aims to serve the entire Togolese economy and the landlocked hinterland. The strategic ambition of the said project is to make Togo a first choice gateway to West Africa while facilitating the link between transport infrastructure and industrial, agricultural and mining areas as well as the development of poles of ‘economic activities along the corridor.


The concept of the railway project aims to support the development of Togo by developing a strategic infrastructure that allows cross-border trade and the growth of the Togolese economy.

Project leaders


The railway will be served by a modern standard gauge rail system dedicated to heavy traffic. The route easements projected over the 670 km are on average 50 meters on either side of the rail route.

These easements will be used for the viability of the corridor in terms of telecommunications infrastructure, energy, etc., the arrangements necessary for the operation of the railway and the development of densification projects.

Project cost

$ 5,086 million (estimate from pre-feasibility study)

Preferred financing mode

Learn more about

Siège social: Lomé Avenue Duisburg 43.QAD

B.P. 7633 Lomé-TOGO
Tél. : +228 22 23 12 80
Email: [email protected]

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To become the strategic financial instrument of the togolese State capable of developping and leveraging sustainable investments with the aim to accelerate economic growth and to build a strong and dynamic economy for the wellbeing of the togolese population.

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To lead in the development of strategic investments by and for the State in order to create value for Togo’s economy and its citizens.

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