According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), per capita fish consumption in the African region and globally was 10.1 kg and 19.8 kg, and 11 kg, respectively. in Togo. It is estimated that 70% of the fish consumed in Togo is imported. Assuming that Togo increases its consumption to reach the world quantity per capita, this would result in an additional annual demand of 50,000 tonnes. Other opportunities have also been identified in regional markets and in particular in Benin, Burkina Faso, Ghana and Nigeria. A detailed technical feasibility study has been undertaken in Togo and recommends the establishment of tilapia, barramundi and Asian giant shrimp farms. The first step will be the production of Tilapia at three sites with a combined annual capacity of 1,000 tonnes in the first year to reach 4,000 tonnes in the third year. The operations will be based on the Nangbeto dam in Togo.