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Development of special economic zones in Africa: The actors meet in Lomé.
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  • Development of special economic zones in Africa: The actors meet in Lomé.

Lomé, the Togolese capital, will host an exchange and capacity-building workshop on December 19 on the development of Special Economic Zones. This meeting of actors from the industrial and economic world is initiated by Togo Invest in collaboration with the Administration Company of the Free Zone (SAZOF) and the Africa Free Zones Organization (AFZO).

The organization of this workshop is based on Axis 2 of the National Development Plan (PND) drawn up by the Togolese government and which covers the period 2018-2022. Axis 2 of the PND aims to develop transformation poles in sectors that create added value and are significantly oriented towards exports (agribusiness, manufacturing, mining) and satisfying internal demand. This axis of the PND fits perfectly with the objectives of the special economic zones which are presented as a solution to industrialization and an engine for strengthening competitiveness between companies with several advantages, especially in tax terms.

The Lomé meeting has a very specific objective:

It aims to raise awareness of the various actors involved in the implementation of the PND on the concept of special economic zone which is a real lever for the economic development of a country and an instrument to attract investors. It will be a specific way of exchanging on the fundamental principles for the creation of a special economic zone, and of carrying out reflections and exchanges on:

  • The strategies and prerequisites for a correct and successful implementation of the SEZs,
  • The appropriate legal, fiscal, regulatory and institutional frameworks,
  • The factors of success and failure,
  • How to attract Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and the financing of Special Economic Zones.

During this one-day workshop, discussions will focus on a main theme with sub-themes namely:

‘’ The development of Special Economic Zones (SEZs): general framework and main directions ’’.

  • The fiscal, legal and institutional framework.
  • Best practices.
  • SEZ development strategies.
  • Financing of SEZs.
  • The various communications around this theme will be provided by experts from major financial institutions like the World Bank, the African
  • Development Bank and other international structures and organizations such as the United Nations Industrial Development Organization ( UNIDO) and Deloitte an audit and consultancy firm.

The sumptuous surroundings of the hotel on February 2 will house the work in this workshop.


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