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Ledjoblibo clay deposit large-scale mining project


The Ministry of Mines and Energy has proposed to Togo Invest Corporation SA (TI) to participate in the project for the large-scale exploitation of the Ledjoblibo clay deposit in the Dankpen prefecture, promoted by the company Industrie Commerce Agrochimie-Investissement, ICA INVEST SA. According to the Minister, The participation of TI in the project as an institutional partner is a guarantee for better governance of the project. In 2019, after the consideration of this matter and TI’s expression of interest, a large-scale mining licence (20 years renewable) of the Ledjoblibo clay deposit for the production of bricks and tiles was issued to ICA.

The project is in line with the strategic orientations of the National Development Plan, especially with its axis 2 aiming at developing poles of agricultural processing, manufacturing and extractive industries. It is also a densification project in the context of the development of the South-North corridor aimed at creating economic activities poles and generating freight volume for the future rail corridor.

The reserves of the deposit are estimated at 11 074 000 m3 or 18 825 800 T of clay. Technological studies carried out by the technical partner SACMI-COSMEC have concluded that this clay has a very good quality.


The project goal is the extraction of clay and production-sales bricks and tiles cooked. These products will mainly be exported to Ghana, Burkina Faso and Mali.
The high labor intensity method is considered to contribute to the reduction of unemployment.


  • The sites of the quarry in Ledjoblibo and the factory in Samboutib, all in the canton of Nawaré, prefecture of Dankpen are negotiated (lease and purchase);
  • Feasibility, technological and environmental studies are carried out;
  • The operating permit covers an area of 98 hectares.

Project cost

7 864 301 212 FCFA

Preferred financing mode

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